Do you want to
learn archery?
What Can i expect?
During the course we will teach you the basics of target archery - how to stand, load your arrow and successfully shoot your bow. We will also provide all the rules around safety and being able to shoot with others, score and look after your equipment.
You do not need to own equipment to take part in the course, but if you like the sport, then we will provide some guidance in purchasing you own equipment.
Day one will be mostly about learning about the rules, conduct and safety around archery.
You'll also get to shoot a bow on day one and you will find out some weird stuff about you, like eye dominance!
At the end of the course, we will invite you to join Erina Archery Club and Coast Archers (if you wish to participate in competitions).
The course is held on either three (3) consecutive Saturdays mornings from 9am – 11am, or afternoon sessions from 12:00pm to 2pm.
Our Beginners Course is suitable for attendees of all ages, from 10 to 80. We usually have a mix of adults and children.
Cost? $100.00 for each attendee,
Active Kids Vouchers can be used as payment for the Beginners Course for children.
Under 16? You must have a parent or guardian over the age of 18 in attendance.
10 & under? You need to be assessed by a Coast Archers Instructor prior to participating.
On arrival you receive a beginners pack that includes a membership form, a booklet from Archery Australia and recommendations for starter equipment packages.
Wear closed in shoes. Thongs/Flip Flops and sandals are not permitted. ​
Sunscreen and insect repellent is recommended.
​Bring a hat, one with a soft brim is best, and of course bring water.
On completion
After completing the three-week course you will be offered a chance to participate as a beginner for a further two weeks with the members of the Club using club equipment.
During this time we invite you to join our club.
Whether you choose to shoot Recurve, Compound or Longbow, our Instructors are on hand to provide guidance on selecting and purchasing equipment.
We will even teach you how to make up your own arrows, which will save you money down the track.
Our next Beginners Course with availability will be commencing Saturday 18th January from 12:00pm.
Beginners Courses will be scheduled every 2 months where possible.
Please click on the registration link below to book for the next course.
Please note: Registrations for the Beginners Course are being processed using a new system, TryBooking.
If you have any problems, please email vicepresident@erinaarcheryclub.com.au
The course is intended to give you a feeling for the sport, so that you can make an informed choice about Archery.
We hope that after the course you decide to join our club and enjoy the sport of archery as a member !

Where can you find us?
The Erina Archery Club range is situated at Fred Pinkstone Oval, Peats Ridge. Our field is next door to the Springs Golf Course, and opposite the Peats Ridge Shops.
Please park in the gravel parking area off Peats Ridge Road. Entry to the field is down a path from the parking area.